Be A Client Magnet
1:1 Mentoring with Sheena

Would you like to be able to attract dream clients, who resonate with you so deeply that you can build and grow your business just as you want?

Would you like to work with clients who want to change their lives positively, so that you can work your magic and feel passionate about what you do?

In my 1:1 mentoring practice, I work with coaches, consultants and healers to find their unique attraction code so that rather than working with anybody who crosses your path, you work with clients who light you up and, who value you and your contribution to the collective.

The main focus of my work is helping you find your unique attraction code and I use Energetic Analysis in the form of Human Design and the Gene Keys to co-create this with you.

It’s a journey looking at what nourishes your soul and most importantly we’ll find your unique way so that clients resonate with you, without having to do the hard sell.

You WILL become a client magnet.  It’s all about attracting people to you.

There is nothing worse than being a soulpreneur, with a deep passion for your craft, and yet to survive you have to work with whoever comes your way.

It shouldn’t be that way.  

Once you understand your unique energetic frequency you’ll feel the weight lift from your shoulders and we’ll focus on your attraction code and most importantly finding the right place for you in the business collective.

We’ll look at your current clients and decide who stays and who goes, or perhaps we might start again.

We’ll look at your offers and see how they fit with your high resonance clients.

And then I’ll send you out into the world to fly because you now know who you are and you’ll never forget yourself again.

How our Mentoring Works

We meet 1:1 for 90 minutes either one or two sessions a month. Our first meeting will always be in person because that’s when I’ll share your Human Design for Business Report with you.  After that, it’s all Zoom.

Alongside our meetings, I’m here for you on email, or What’sApp, 

You get access to all my online courses. 

Cost for the 90 days is from £1500+vat

Next step

What previous clients say…

“Sheena wasn't afraid to ask me all the honest questions. Then she really listened to me. 

She understood me, but didn’t dwell on the problems. She says exactly what she means, and means exactly what she says. In three words, Sheena represents trust, integrity and honesty.”

Got questions? I’ve got answers.

  • No, I’m a woowoo translator. Although I’ve found value in the woowoo stuff, as I’m so grounded, I felt I needed to apply logic to these spiritual concepts. We won’t do meditation, but I will encourage you to understand the energy of your body in different ways (for example, through sport, yoga or massage).

  • Results depend on the work you’re prepared to do. Trust me, you’ll never have experienced work like this before. If you apply what I teach you, you’ll achieve everything you want. And more.

  • First of all we’ll talk on an online chemistry call. We’ll discuss what the ‘top of your game’ looks like for you. What have you tried already? Why has it not worked? We’ll make sure you’re ready to dig deep and be honest with yourself. We will only proceed if the fit is right for both of us. To start the process, book your chemistry call now.