Why Sheena?

I’m Sheena Mason-White and my clients pay me to help them to find success and become the best version of themselves, so they can live their life with ease and joy.

You might believe that what I offer only comes with thousands of hours of hard work, with stress and tears thrown in. It doesn’t have to be like that.

I am the Queen of Reinvention, trained in Human Design and Emotional Intelligence. I’m a long-time student of Abraham Hicks (The Law of Attraction).  

Women like you hire me because you know you’re capable of so much more, but you don’t know what’s stopping you from achieving your dreams. 

That’s totally normal. That’s where all my clients begin.

I like to ask challenging questions, so let’s start. Here’s what I’d like you to ask yourself -

  • Am I holding myself back?

  • Am I mean to myself?

  • Am I denying myself things?

  • Am I playing small?

  • Could I dream lots bigger?

I’ve been here myself

Friends and colleagues would say to me - you’re so successful, how do you do it? But I didn’t feel successful. I wanted more and I wanted balance.

I’m good at running my business, making 6 figures for many years, but I‘ve held myself back by my spontaneous approach to life and relationships. I was fine as long as I kept a man at arms length. But if I let a man into my life, over time, I’d give them all the power. 

Ten years ago I began dating my husband, John. I found John and the Law of Attraction at the same time. Neither of us were in a good place, but we were both adamant that we wouldn’t repeat our mistakes.  

Ironically I had already worked successfully in the boardrooms of a number of blue chip companies, as an Executive Coach and team building expert. I was highly trained and knew I was talented but, away from that environment, I felt lost.

The magic of the Law of Attraction & Human Design

The Law of Attraction most definitely helped us both examine our lives, but it wasn’t until I was introduced to Human Design that the magic happened. I began to see how my actions and behaviour stopped me from finding success. 

When I started studying Human Design there were so many courses on offer and at varying prices and it was confusing. I chose to go back to the source and learn the basics at The International Human Design School. You see Human Design is a part of my life’s journey and it always will be and I plan to continue with The IHDS as they develop new material. In addition I do most of my work with with Ashley Wilhite, Erin Claire Jones and Elisa Canali all of whom have influenced me to live my life at the top of my game. Together we trailblaze using Human Design as a tool for women entrepreneurs.

I now understand how important independence and freedom is. I need to work in a space where I can be in my own flow. When we married, we bought a 5-bedroom house just for the two of us, so now I have my own study (bliss). Although John and I are very much in love, neither of us feels guilty or wrong about needing space. 

The biggest gift Human Design gave me is understanding that, after years of being a spontaneous person, after so many disappointments, I had somehow lost my spontaneity and become quite withdrawn. I was playing small. 

I now realise I was born to make an impact and need to be in the limelight. I’m a trailblazer and when I’m being myself, I can have such fun and bring in the results too. When this happens, it’s just so simple to live my life with ease and joy.

Sheena is very proud to be an Ambassador of Women Supporting Women which helps move young people into employment, self-employment, education and training.

Next step

If this speaks to you, then book a call with me and we’ll chat.

Don’t worry if you don’t know your Human Design profile yet. We will explore that together.