At the top of your game

What does being at the top of your game mean to you?

Have you asked yourself what it might look like?

Do you dream of being there but you’re not quite sure how to get there?

At a young age, I can remember always thinking about what I wanted to do in life and I loved fantasising about the future.  Did you do that? They call it Future Leaping these days but back then it was often seen as having ideas above your station. 

I was thinking about this recently and it took me back to walking along Marylebone High Street in London in 1974 with my Dad and telling him I want to live and own a house here. Even at the age of 13, I could feel the energy of the place and I felt at home. I of course had no idea what it meant, it just made me smile and I was happy.  My Dad was a successful man, at the top of his game but he was careful and he said well if you’re going to live here you’ll have to make a lot of money.  

At 13 I had dreams of living in Central London, being able to travel business class anywhere in the world, staying in luxury hotels, wearing beautiful clothes and working in a prestigious legal practice. That was not the life I had, we were cautious Scottish Presbyterians, who saved for a rainy day. It was always good, but never exciting and I knew I wanted glamour and elegance.  I never imagined it would be hard to achieve all of this,  I just thought it would happen. 

But, we end up doing other things, we meet people who influence us and we go in different directions. We start jobs, we learn the rules and we play by them. Sometimes if you’re like me and you find the rules hard then you set up a business with your own rules but even then I found myself being influenced by caution. 

I’ve been remarkably fortunate and I did own the house in Marylebone, I do travel business class and I can afford good quality clothes.  I’ve been at the top of my game many times and I know exactly what it feels like but it's been hard.  I always felt I had a ball chain around my ankle, stopping me from becoming the fullest version of myself.

As I look back, well, my life could have been a lot easier.  I’ve fought an eating disorder, crippling depression and financial difficulties.  I’ve been therapy-ed to the hilt and yet I always felt there was something missing.  

I know now that what was missing was to truly understand who I am, to trust what I have to offer and my ability to take action and make it happen.

Let me introduce you to Human Design. I describe Human Design as psychometric testing on steroids.  It can be seen as woo but the good news is I’m a woo translator and I can really help you get best out of it. I use Human Design every day to be me.  It’s changed the way I do business, it’s changed the way I live my life and how I relate to my friends and family.  It’s the most meaningful thing I have ever encountered.

I’m a 2/4 Emotional Manifestor and what fascinates me is that I can now see the conversation I had with my father as my true self speaking.  That was authentic.  It’s very typical Manifestor behaviour to be a trailblazer, to be high achieving to go after what you want, even if no one has done it before. We are unapologetically ourselves and we like to create our own rules.

And do you know what, that’s ok.

But what’s not ok is when you do what I did and change your behaviour to fit in because when you do that, you lose yourself.  You give your power away and you no longer stand in your own wonderful magnificence.

Let me ask you again, are you really living at the top of your game?  

It’s never too late.

Want to talk some more?

Laura Whitehouse

Might fine graphic design for Film, TV, and Everything Else.

These 3 things might be stopping you from reaching the top of your game