These 3 things might be stopping you from reaching the top of your game

Sometimes potential clients will ask me - what do you think is stopping me from fulfilling this great vision that I have?  Honestly, I’m not going to know the answer but through working with me you’ll discover very quickly what the answer is.  Then, you’ll have to ask yourself if you want to do something about it, which is a whole other subject!

Here are 3 things I often see with women entrepreneurs::

  1. You’re a control freak, you fear failure or deep down you have a voice telling you you’re not good enough to be at the top of your game and the thought of surrendering to let the results happen in their own sweet way, fills you with dread.

  2. You believe that everything in your world is as it’s meant to be for the moment, even if you’re harassed, on the hamster wheel and you feel as if you are being pulled in every direction by everyone else.  It’s your normal, and you are exhausted.

  3.  You are in the driving seat but your passengers are whispering nuggets of doubt to you on a daily basis and you’ve chosen to doubt yourself.

If you find yourself nodding along to any of these points then, we need to chat.

How can I help you?

Each and every one of us is unique and we deserve to be living our life with ease and joy.  My own experience and why I became a mentor, after years of being a coach, is because until we can be our true selves it’s damned hard to be at the top of our game.

When I worked as an Executive coach, other coaches used to ask me how I achieved what I did.  What they didn’t know was that although I was doing well I knew I was light years away from what I was capable of but I didn’t understand what had happened to me along the way of living life in a society filled with rules and a need to conform.

Years and years of conditioning as to how to behave and confirm had completely taken me away from myself.  Luckily because I had been well educated and trained I was remarkably productive and well-respected as a coach and as I look back at the people I coached, they were actually no different to me.  They had learned to conform and play the game of life too and they were looking to me to improve their performance.  

I now know it was nothing about performance and it was all about tapping into who they really were.  Their inner wisdom knew the answers already - we just hadn’t got there.

It was only when COVID hit that I decided to take a look at what it was that was stopping me from stepping into my power and being my own magnificent self.

The gift was finding Human Design and all that it has to offer and if you add in 20 years of coaching, 30 to be honest with all the sales coaching I have done, I definitely have some wisdom to share.

I can categorically say, I now realise I’ve made my life harder than it needed to be.  When I look back at my past eating disorder, relationship disasters, depression and cashflow problems the common theme is about me feeling a need to be small and not to be big.

Feedback from my family and peers was you’re too loud, you’re too cocky, you’re too outspoken, you’re too hard, and you’ll never win friends and influence people the way you are.  I’ve heard it all.  

For you it might be you’re not working enough hours in the day to be at the top of your game, who do you think you are to be doing this type of work, that’s not who we are as a family or maybe even will you stop working because I haven’t seen you in days.  

I will help you question what appears to be true for you in order to decide what gets to be true for you.

It’s so easy to be conditioned by everything and everybody around us that’s why I now use Human Design to break through whatever it is that’s stopping you from being at the top of your game.

My experience has been that people don’t really understand how beneficial Human Design can be. I’m noticing people will talk about their type and share their type with others, but there is so much more.  My work with clients allows them to understand themselves in a different way and then build strategies around themselves and their environment so that they can be at the top of their game.  We’ll use your design to find out how you work best and leverage these things to save time, find better opportunities and do work that lights you up.  

There is so much more to Human Design than your type.  It’s a rich, beautiful, exciting tool to be used with care because you need to work with someone like me who is trained in the full greatness of what it offers.   Add to that my years in coaching and personal development then I am a powerful resource to have on your side.

I have 5 1:1 Mentoring slots available during August.  I’ve called it At the top of your game and if you want to be there, please be in touch.

You can book a Chemistry call here.

Laura Whitehouse

Might fine graphic design for Film, TV, and Everything Else.

What’s it all about, Sheena?


At the top of your game